Fill You In's IT dealers: 'There is no shortage of IT professionals at all'
Door Martijn Zeven | 23/01/2023
Fill You In’s IT Dealers: ‘No Shortage of IT Professionals’
Fill You In, founded by Patrick Vrijhoef and Hobie Windt, CEO and CTO, aims to unlock potential by selecting, integrating, and providing sustainable support to high-quality IT talents. They position themselves as more than just an IT staffing company, describing their approach as “staffing-plus.”
The company currently employs dozens of Indian professionals, primarily from Chennai and Delhi, working remotely to address IT challenges for businesses on the European continent. The selection process ensures the deployment of developers with measurable skills, and the company ensures continuous development with each assignment. Team coaches are deployed to facilitate integration into the client’s team and bridge any cultural and communication gaps.
Vrijhoef refutes the alleged shortage of IT professionals and emphasizes the abundance of potential in India, citing a better work ethic and lower salaries. The company aims for scalability and anticipates significant growth and revenue increase once their platform is fully operational. They aspire to become the “ of all remote jobs” and have experienced partners on board for capital injection and market knowledge.
With a bold comparison, Vrijhoef and Windt underscore their ambition to make customers addicted to the quality of their service, with the ultimate goal of becoming the largest in Europe within five years.
Het bedrijf heeft momenteel tientallen Indiase medewerkers, voornamelijk uit Chennai en Delhi, die op afstand werken om IT-uitdagingen van bedrijven op het Europese continent aan te pakken. Het selectieproces waarborgt dat meetbaar goede ontwikkelaars worden ingezet, en het bedrijf zorgt ervoor dat ze zich ontwikkelen bij elke opdracht. Teamcoaches worden ingezet om integratie in het klantenteam te vergemakkelijken en eventuele cultuur- en communicatiekloven te overbruggen.
Vrijhoef weerlegt het vermeende tekort aan IT’ers en benadrukt de overvloed aan potentieel in India, waarbij hij wijst op een beter werkethos en lagere salarissen. Het bedrijf mikt op schaalbaarheid en verwacht een aanzienlijke groei en omzetstijging zodra hun platform volledig operationeel is. Ze streven ernaar het “ van alle remote jobs” te worden en hebben ervaren partners aan boord voor kapitaalinjectie en marktkennis.
Met een gedurfde vergelijking benadrukken Vrijhoef en Windt hun ambitie om klanten verslaafd te maken aan de kwaliteit van hun dienstverlening, met het uiteindelijke doel om binnen vijf jaar de grootste in Europa te worden.
Many Dutch companies experience difficulties in finding suitable staff. Once they have found this staff, it often turns out to be costly and the turnaround time is short. At Fill You In, we aim for successful partnerships, where we not only emphasise quality, but also continuity.
Thanks to our employee care program, which every remote developer gladly uses, it becomes easier to find and retain suitable talent. Our weapon is maintaining the right talent. We offer our developers the lifestyle they seek, not in overcrowded offices but in their familiar surroundings, amidst family and friends. Fill You In forms their foundation and enables them to excel in the environment where they thrive the best.

There is no shortage of IT professionals at all. Many people just don't look beyond our national borders.

What does the expert think?
Job van der Voort, co-founder of dn Quote 500 member.
“I see potential in their proposition, but I also think it is a bit dated. Remote allows companies to hire people directly from India, so as a secondment provider, Fill You In forms an extra link in the chain. I don't think that's where the world of remote working is heading.”